


Installs the specified class (which is a sleep.interfaces.Loadable) into the current Sleep environment. This is a way of extending the Sleep language at runtime.

use(['/path/to/file.jar'], 'Loadable')

Dynamically loads a specified Sleep bridge and installs it into the current Sleep environment. This is a way of extending the Sleep language at runtime with Sleep bridges.


^Class - the class to instantiate a new instance of and install into the current Sleep environment

'/path/to/file.jar' - optionally a jar file that contains the bridge classes can be specified. If no .jar file is specified then the bridge will be loaded from the sleep.classpath value.

'Loadable' - this is the fully qualified package+class name of the bridge class that implements sleep.interfaces.Loadable. This class will be dynamically instantiated and its scriptLoaded method will be called against the current script environment.

Side Effects / Notes



# This example shows how to connect to a MySQL database and # execute a simple query with Slumber by Andreas Ravnestad import no.printf.slumber.JDBC from: slumber.jar; use(^JDBC); $handle = dbConnect('com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/database', 'user', 'pass'); $result = dbQuery($handle, 'select * from table'); while (dbAssign($result, %row)) { println(%row); }

See Also