

% putAll(%hash, @|&keys, @|&values)

Populates the hash with data obtained from iterating over the key and value sources simultaneously.

% putAll(%hash, @|&source)

Populates the hash with data obtained from iterating over the specified source for key and value valuies.

@ putAll(@array, @|&source)

Puts all elements obtained from iterating over the specified source into the array.


@|&keys - an iterator source containing keys to populate the hash with.

@|&values - an iterator source containing values to populate the hash with.

@|&source - an iterator source iterated over using a value and its neighor as a key, value pair to populate the hash with.


The specified hash (or array) with copies of the new data.

Side Effects / Notes


# get list of file names @files = `ls -1`; # get file permissions from ls output @perms = map({ return split(' ', $1)[0]; }, sublist(`ls -1l`, 1)); # create a hash with all of this information. %permissions = putAll(ohash(), @files, @perms); println(%permissions);

$ java -jar sleep.jar ../putAll.sl %(Untitled.graffle => '-rw-r--r--', binary.graffle => '-rw-r--r--', invoke.graffle => '-rw-r--r--', parsetree.graffle => '-rw-r--r--', thisscope.graffle => '-rw-r--r--')