

$ digest("string", 'algorithm')

Returns (as a byte string) the digest of the specified byte string using the specified algorithm.

$ digest($handle, '[>]algorithm')

Sets up the specified handle so that all reads (or if the algorithm is prefixed with >, writes) are checksummed using the specified algorithm. Returns a $digest object that can be used to obtain the final digest value.

$ digest($digest)

Returns (as a byte string) the digest of the handle associated with $digest.


"string" - a string of bytes to checksum the data from.

$handle - the I/O handle to attach a digest object to.

$digest - an object scalar referencing a digest object.

'algorithm' - the algorithm to use when calculating a digest of the data.
MD5widely used cryptographic hash function; produces a 128-bit digest
SHA-1successor to MD5; produces a 160-bit digest


This is dependent on the form used. The digest values themselves are all byte strings.


# generate an MD5 digest of any file. sub md5 { $handle = openf($1); $digest = digest($handle, "MD5"); # consume the handle skip($handle, lof($1)); closef($handle); $result = unpack("H*", digest($digest))[0]; println("MD5 ( $+ $1 $+ ) = $result"); } md5(@ARGV[0]);

MD5 (digest.sl) = ff4ddf4a2006140f8db28904de9e288b

$PASSWORD = 'd1133275ee2118be63a577af759fc052'; print("Password: "); $getpass = readln(); $result = unpack("H*", digest($getpass))[0]; if ($result eq $PASSWORD) { println("Would you like to play a game?"); println("1. Global Thermo-Nuclear War") }

$ java -jar sleep.jar passwd.sl Password: joshua Would you like to play a game? 1. Global Thermo-Nuclear War

See Also